North Logan Library Board

library sitting area photo

Library Board

A library board of directors is appointed citizens of the city who have control of the expenditures, operation, and care of the library. A library board shall maintain and care for the library; establish policies for its operation; make annual reports to the city governing body on the condition and operation of the library, and provide for the keeping of records required by the State Library Boards. The library board of directors shall make, amend, and repeal rules, not inconsistent with law, for the governing of the library. The library board of directors shall appoint a librarian to have immediate charge of the library. --(paraphrased from the Library Laws of Utah (Utah Code) FY2016: 9-7-402, 9-7-403, 9-7-404, 9-7-405, 9-7-406, 9-7-407)

The North Logan Library Board of Trustees consists of seven North Logan City residents that have been appointed by the Mayor and ratified by the North Logan City Council. Each person is appointed to a three-year term, that may be extended to a consecutive second three-year term if mutually agreeable.

Each calendar year, the Board members themselves conduct an internal election to determine who will serve as Board Chair and Vice-Chair; followed by discussion and deciding upon which specific areas of emphasis that each Board member will be assigned to focus on during the year.

Library Board Meetings

The North Logan Library Board of Trustees meets monthly.

Library Board Members

Jenn Albrecht - Chair

Andrea Wachob - Vice Chair

JoAnn Delange - Treasurer

Liz Carr - Secretary and Friends of the North Logan City Library Liaison

Cathy Larsen - Previous Chair

Janean Huppi - Member

Kate Ballard - Member

Board Meeting Minutes

Past Board Meeting Minutes

Library Policies and Mission Statement

Library Policies